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Image by Taisiia Shestopal

People with depression struggle with sadness or the feeling of being numb, to the point that it
impacts their ability to function in life. There are different types of depression including Major
Depressive Disorder, Seasonal Affective Disorder, and Postpartum Depression. You may no
longer feel interested in activities that you used to, have noticed changes to your sleep, appetite
or concentration, or struggle to maintain energy levels. There are several different strategies
that can help manage the symptoms of depression. Working with a therapist can help identify
tools and resources and mastering these skills.

Stressed Woman


Anxiety exists to alert your body to danger. Some level of anxiety and worry is helpful, but an
excessive amount can be debilitating. Separation anxiety, social anxiety, and agoraphobia are
types of anxiety onset by specific situations. Some people experience panic which includes
physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain and heart palpitations. Mindfulness and
focusing on the present moment can help combat some symptoms of anxiety.



Bipolar disorder includes large shifts in a person’s mood, energy, activity level, and their ability
to think clearly. People will experience episodes of emotional highs and lows frequently referred
to as mania and depression. Bipolar can be treated with a combination of medication and
therapy. While we do not provide medications, this is a key component to managing this

Flower Pop It


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a common condition that is characterized by having
trouble focusing, managing time, organization, and impulsivity. There are 3 main types:
Inattentive, hyperactive/impulsive, or combined. Behavioral modification therapy can help
decrease the negative impact of ADHD, as well as helping family members understand how to
assist loved ones who been diagnosed.

Pressure Testing

Oppositional defiant disorder is a childhood disruptive disorder that primarily involves
difficulties with self-control, emotional regulation, and persistent patterns of angry or irritable
mood. Treatment of oppositional defiant disorder involves school intervention, parent
management training, child-individual therapy, and family therapy.

Light show


Post traumatic stress disorder occurs after an individual has experienced a stressful event or a
series of stressful events. People with PTSD may experience intense upsetting thoughts and
feelings, have flashbacks or nightmares, and avoid situations, people or reminders of the
stressful event(s). Trauma can cause the brain to enter a state of heightened arousal that effects
decision making. Trauma-focused therapy can teach you how to gain control, reframe negative
thoughts, and make sense about the trauma.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder

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