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Group Therapy

Joining a group is a commitment. We ask that if you are interested in joining that you commit to at least 6 sessions. Sessions are $30 with the $180 due at first session after screening in completed.

All new group members must complete an initial group screening to ensure that they are ready for a group therapy setting. These group screenings take 45 minutes and are $80. 

Mental Health and Sobriety

This is a therapist led group. Working on sobriety can make someone feel very isolated and disconnected. In this group will work together to grow empathy, process the reality of living with an addiction, and find appropriate coping skills. This group will begin meeting weekly on Thursdays at 5 pm. This group is for adults only. 

Anxiety Support Group for Adults

Living with anxiety can feel like a vicious cycle. This group will focus on reducing the shame and guilt that one may feel around their anxiety, and processing through anxiety with an increased exposure. This group will be starting on later in the Spring. 

Adolescent Mental Health Awareness

Focusing on anxiety, setting boundaries, forming healthy communication skills, this group is specialized for high school students who may be struggling with social connections, building healthy relationships, setting healthy boundaries. . This group will be meeting on the first and the third Tuesday of each month at 5pm starting February 21st. 

Art Expressive Group

We are currently working on starting an expressive art group. More information will be provided in November. This will be a group designed for adults. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us.  

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